Pokémon Go tiene ansioso a miles de usuarios en Sudamérica y sobre todo a los chilenos que todavía no pueden jugar en llamas (salvo los lapsus en que puedes jugar por minutos).
Eso sí, gracias a las redes sociales, los jugadores ya han compartido chistoso pantallasos sobre sus búsquedas Pokémon y hay algunas que son extremadamente chistosas.
Acá te mostramos algunas:
Sending nudes like… #pokemongo pic.twitter.com/xeZalSefhw
— IG: PeteyPlastic (@PeteyPlastic) July 7, 2016
@nerdist I didn’t know that the game was appropriately named #PokemonGo pic.twitter.com/S0QLJB7Gzn
— BeerMeetBane (@TranJosue) July 7, 2016
I’m under siege here pic.twitter.com/DAWl0d4Rsa
— Andy Stardust (@ImACultHero) July 10, 2016
Played #PokemonGO last night. pic.twitter.com/BBaLzSX0xZ
— KEEM (@KEEMSTAR) July 7, 2016
I think I’ve got the hang of the game now! #PokemonGO pic.twitter.com/GxS9D0qYC2
— L7 Odin, Lead (@GFXSTA) July 7, 2016
Help! Which one should I caught first? #PokemonGO pic.twitter.com/MguzDZjFap
— Funny Collaborator (@darkbluecat) July 6, 2016
‘on your left Prime Minister’ #PokemonGO pic.twitter.com/eDirl1xw3M
— General Boles (@GeneralBoles) July 11, 2016
do you MIND #pokemongo pic.twitter.com/52LJ94k1N2
— del ✨ (@miimows) July 7, 2016
Real talk though why is this Jigglypuff leading me to this unmarked white van #PokemonGO pic.twitter.com/gfaUakNO9O
— Alex Hirsch (@_AlexHirsch) July 11, 2016
@_AlexHirsch there’s probably just a snake inside pic.twitter.com/Vj4VXPTp2a
— Brian Dunkle (@briandunkle) July 11, 2016
@nerdist Apparently Ryhorn can walk on water pic.twitter.com/JBoamW7R98
— Loki Leigh (@Mx_Loki) July 8, 2016
@nerdist my dog’s new bff. #PokemonGo pic.twitter.com/VQDvShyZnn
— Joseph Nevin (@JosephGNevin) July 8, 2016
@nerdist bulbasauar creeping on mta in #Brooklyn pic.twitter.com/Gq5FDtVLH4
— Jay Kop (@jviper410) July 8, 2016
@nerdist right where weedle belongs pic.twitter.com/0GpfSPcGQQ
— Kyle(o) Lemke (@UncleMoosePHD) July 7, 2016